What is Prosopagnosia? Ushna Shah reveals she suffers from the condition

What is Prosopagnosia? Ushna Shah reveals she suffers from the condition

Have you ever struggled to recognize someone’s face? Does it happen so often that it gets frustrating? The phenomenon happens to Ushna Shah. She shared on her Instagarm that she has prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, which makes it hard for a person to recognize faces.

She wrote, “I want to draw your attention to prosopagnosia or face blindness, which affects a person’s ability to recognize people’s faces, and I have been developing it over time.”

She continued, “I sometimes have trouble recognizing someone’s face instantly, which used to be a joke now makes me feel deprived and I’m sure I’m not alone.”


She added, “I am saving this message in the highlights of my account so that people who already know me or whom i may come in contact with in the future do not get confused and know about my condition.”

She also called for more awareness in society regarding prosopagnosia or face blindness.

Prosopagnosia is commonly called face blindness.

Harvard Medical School says that prosopagnosia is a mysterious condition, in which the patient’s mind deceives him.

The patient’s mind forces him to recognize people he has never met or his mind fails to recognize people who are around him and according to recent research 33% of people with prosopagnosia are suffering.

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